
Player registration – Reminder!

A reminder to all players, clubs and associations:
It is the responsibility of your national association to register you with FISTF, after you have become a member of your national association.
All national associations must send the appropriate Form 20 to FISTF with all licensed players.
Even players who play with foreign clubs can ONLY be registered by their own national association. Therefore, a FRENCH player who plays with an ITALIAN club can only be registered with FISTF by the Fédération Française de Football de Table Sport, and NOT the Federazione Italiana Sportiva Calcio Tavolo. If the player wants, his club can assist with this process, but in this case, the Italian club would need to contact the FFFdT.
Players and clubs should contact their national association to ensure  the appropriate forms have been submitted.
Only players registered with FISTF can take part in FISTF events.

Relevant parts of the current FISTF Handbook: Foreign players registered with a National Club. All foreign players registered with a national Club shall be included in this list, provided they have a valid license from their National Association. A foreign player is considered a player whose citizenship is different from the country in which they are playing. The National Association has no competence to grant a FISTF license to a foreign player.

5.1. Definition of FISTF Licensed Player
5.1.1. Players shall be individually responsible to apply for a license to play table football.
5.1.2. If the player chooses to become a member of a club operating in the country where the player has his domicile, such obligation may be delegated to the direction of such club but only his National Associations may grant the license to the player.

5.7. Rules for the Registration of Players
5.7.3. It’s the responsibility of the National Associations to make sure all players have provided the requested data and validate them.
5.7.4. The list of players (including the full name, address, date of birth, nationality and club) should be sent to the FISTF General Secretary.
5.7.5. Only the FISTF registration Form F20 sent exclusively by the National Association is valid for this purpose.