Mobirise v3.11.1
Mobirise Site Creator

FISTF Champions League & Europa League 2017
Belgium - Rochefort

Welcome on the Web site of the tournament.
  • You can see all competitors, individuals and teams.
  • After the draw, you can see the individuals and teams groups.
  • Results and group ranking are updated every round,
    while the detailed scores can be examined for all matches.
  • This site provides you with the planning and by typing your name in the search field you see your timeline of the day as player and referee !
  • For those who love numbers, you can see the whole competition statistics.


This site is automatically generated by the GMFT standard version.
Other versions of GMFT are available to manage championships (groups of 8 players up to 20) and swiss system tournaments. Download & try them ! 
If you need some help don't hesitate to send message to the author on Facebook !