
SUBBUTEOscars: and the winners are…

The SUBBUTEOscars have been awarded in Rochefort during the world cup. The winners are as follows.


Best player: Carlos Flores (Spain)

FISTF World Cup Rochefort 272

Lifetime achivement: Marcus Tilgner (Germany)

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Best official: George Drazinakis (Greece)

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Best Team: Reggio Emilia (Italy)

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Best tournament: Europa Cup for clubs in Naples (Italy)

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Best veteran: Gianfranco Calonico (Italy)

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Best promotion: Tchaaa4 (Belgium)

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Best U19: David Gonzalez (Spain)

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Best newcomer: Alwin Krause (U12)

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Best U15: Kai Hagenkötter (Germany)

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Best referee: Henk Landzaat (the Netherlands)

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Best Woman: Trisha Baumeler (Switzerland)

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Fairest player: Emmanuel Gorgette (France)

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