
Aug 2024

Date/Time Event Continent Country City Indiv. Teams Contact Pitches
01/08/2024 - 31/08/2024 Free World All Y Y to be defined
10/08/2024 - 11/08/2024 International Grand Prix of Frameries
Centre sportif Max Audain, Frameries
Europe Belgium Frameries Y Y Olivier Père ExtremePitch
11/08/2024 - 12/08/2024 International Grand Prix of Tokyo
Shi buya, Tokyo
Asia Japan Tokyo Y Y Kenzo Koi AstroTurf PRO
24/08/2024 Satellite of Brisbane
Caboolture Sports Central, Caboolture
Asia Australia Caboolture Y N Gareth Whalley ExtremePitch

Sep 2024

Date/Time Event Continent Country City Indiv. Teams Contact Pitches
20/09/2024 - 22/09/2024 FISTF World Cup
Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, Tunbridge Wells
World All Tunbridge Wells Y Y Alan Lee ExtremePitch
20/09/2024 - 22/09/2024 No other events on World Cup weekend World All Y Y to be defined

Oct 2024

Date/Time Event Continent Country City Indiv. Teams Contact Pitches
12/10/2024 - 26/10/2024 9th FISTF Congress 2024 World All - - FISTF Board Not Applicable

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