Charles Aquilina of Bormla Subbuteo Club won the first Satellite Tournament for season 2021 under the MTSFA and FISTF umbrella.

Winner Charles Aquilina (right)
The event on January 24 was held under full Health Department and SportMalta health regulations.
Aquilina won the final 2-1 against new signing and prominent youth player Jamie Bonnici of Lazio CT.

The semi finalists were John Zammit of Bormla sc and Jean Carl Tabone of Barcelona Mortelito.
Quarterfinalists were Mauro and Josef Camilleri of Bormla sc, Jurgen Balzan of Stembert and Jason Pisani of Master Sanremo.
In the cadets consolation category it was Tristan Fenech of Bormla SC who won 3-1 in the final against Mario Fleri Soler of H’Attard sc.

Tristan Fenech (right)

Cadet final
Before the tournament, one minute silence was held in the memory of Mario Mizzi father of Juan Mizzi.
Report by Josef Camilleri, Segretary and Organiser, Bormla subbuteo club