World Ranking 2024-12 – Season 2024-2025




Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 03-12-2024


World Ranking at the end of November 2024 => to be used for competitions on December 2024.

01_GMFT – Model




Version: 14.2

Last Updated: 03-12-2024

Latest stable version of GMFT with full features :

=> Version 14.2:
Compatibility with FISTF-Event-Report-Template-2023-V4.7.xlsx
Compatibility with new official FISTF Formula in competition HB V3 for 11 & 12 groups

=> Version 14.1: Proposed formula (at the bottom of Checkin List) to display ranking of players within teams.

=> Version 14: 
Addition of 6 new Event categories (mainly to manage World Cup)
Addition of 2nd lot for Draw
5 new columns on the right of planning to show which kind of conflicts for referees
Different bug corrections detected during WC2024.

=> Version 13.5: Compatibility with the change of Ladies in Women

=> Version 13.4: Compatibility with FISTF-Event-Report-Template-2023-V4.6.xlsx

=> Version 13.3: Bug correction : bug in Web export for events with a match for the 3rd place

=> Version 13.2: Compatibility of GMFT with new FISTF Event Results file – FISTF-Event-Report-Template-2023-V4.2

=> Version 13.1 : Compatibility with the last FISTF Tournament Organisation Handbook V2.1

=> Version 13 : Compatibility with new FISTF Event Result file – FISTF-Event-Report-Template-2023-V2.6.xlsx

=> Version 12 : Compatibility with new FISTF Event Result file – FISTF-Event-Report-Template-2023-V2.3.xlsx
With just 3 click, GMFT generates automatically the FISTF Result file

 => Version 11 : New group formula for order of matches and equity for ”home” games (see 2023 Organizers Handbook version)
New GMFT logo – Many thanks to Skander ! 
 => Since Version 10 : compatibility with new monthly FISTF Licence & WR Excel file.
Since 2022, Only version GMFT V10 can update these data with just some clicks. For previous versions, users can still make copy/paste manually.  
 => Full compatibility with FISTF rules (compétition formula & group ranking calculation)
 => Use of FISTF Database (players & clubs) and World Ranking (Open, Vet. Ladies, Uxx, Teams)
 => Management of individuals, Teams & Doubles
 => Registration management
 => Export Registrations to a specific page to be included in organizer’s web site
 => Planning management
 => Refereeing management with conflicts detection
 => Draw management with capability of automatic random draw
 => Venue management (to show where players/teams must go to play or refer)
 => Personal timeline for each competitor
 => Players statistics
 => Podium sheet
 => Customisable export of results
 => Automatic generation of ”FISTF Event Scoresheet” to be sent after event to FISTF
 => Publication of results in realtime on Web in one click and one drag&drop
 => Dashboard and timer for display on large screen to players
 => Registration export to Webpage to be included into the competition organizer’s website
This version is based on the Office ribbon. That means, users must have Excel 2007 and later to be able to use this version.
The Dashboard/Timer is not compatible with Excel on Mac.
The package includes the template for the ”FISTF Event Scoresheet” compatible with GMFT

02_FISTF – Head-Referee Report Tournament evaluation and disciplinary




Version: 1.4

Last Updated: 27-11-2024


”Head-Referee Report Tournament evaluation and disciplinary”

1. Tournament infos
2. Disciplinary problems
3. Equipment problems
4. About the competition
5. Playing conditions
6. Miscellaneous

02_FISTF Event Results file (replace old organization & results files)



Version: 4.7

Last Updated: 26-11-2024


Excel file to be sent to FISTF to communicate event organization & results.
Event results are not taken into account for the World Ranking until they are sent within this file.
Event results are not taken into account if data inside the file don’t respect formats.

This file has to be sent via the contact form on and not sent by email.
Contact form is here :
don’t forget to specify ”Results” in the ”Your Recipient” field.

4.7 : Correction : Formula for Validation of player’s names in Results Individuals
         Evolution : Support players’ names list of values in ”Results Individuals” for Consolations (CONS_xxx & CONSOLATION).
         Evolution : Add of a new tab Consolation to support consolations with mixed categories.
4.6 : Evolution : Change Ladies with Women
4.5.2 : Correction : Adding more lines in Open & Veterans tabs
4.5.1 : Correction : Different small modifications – List of values for Withdraw field in Team tab, ”TOSS” replaced by ”Players/Teams draw”, Group number corrected in Results Teams tab.
4.5 : Removal of the evaluation part in the TOURNAMENT DETAILS tab, and addition of payment details
4.4.1 :Correction : Compute of Barrage’s points (L??) for Individuals
4.4 : Evolution : Compatibility with Open Office => The file can be used with Open Office or Libre Office. Not fully tested with this free software, but seems to work.
4.3.1 : Correction : Conditional format on points equalities in individual groups
4.3 : Correction : List of values for Players in individual groups
         Evolutions : Some upgrades on worksheets layouts & colors
4.2 : Evolution : Add of Last 64 in Stage and conformity with HB ranking points for Last 64
4.1.3 : Correction : Bad count of won/lost matches & for/against goals in groups ranking for teams
4.1.2 : Correction : Control of FISTF Codes in Players list tabs
4.1.1 : Correction : No list of values for FISTF Codes
4.1: Evolution: Change of the possible values for withdrawals in category tabs; ””At Start”” & ””Excused””
””At Start””, means organisation was informed of the withdraw the day of competition. Even if there is an acceptable reason which avoid any penality, the entry fee is still to be paid.
””Excused”” says that player informed organisation with an acceptable reason and in a reasonable delay before the start of the event ; no penality and no fee”
4.0.2 : Correction : Bad column names in data requests
4.0.1 : Correction :
===> Tournament Details : formula correction to calculate number of participants
===> Results Individuals : Change formula of conditionnal format on column AD
4.0 : Evolution : Change of discount rate in accordance with HB 2023-2024
3.5.1 : Correction : Table names in Veterans … U12 tabs
V3.5: Added FISTF Code column in registration tabs in order to provide organizer with the possibility to fill either Player Name or either FISTF Code
===> Added Discounted amount of levies if paid before 14 days in ”Tournament Details” tab. => Start and End dates to be filled now to determine last day of 25% discount on levies.
===> Added highligth on points in groups in case of draw without Diff-Draw or Shout-out filled.
===> Correction in Team groups ranking calculation. Draw in groups were not considered before.
===> Correction in list of values in team groups for team name (before only club names were listed)V3.3.1: Correction : Bad Group Numbers in ”Results Individuals” 
===> Some small updates in ””Things not to forget””
===> Correction : format condition for players of teams => check players are in the Club but not in the Teams that is composed of Club Name plus ”” 2””, ”” 3””, …”
V3.2.1: Conditional Format correction for Teams in groups & Added Version tab for releases history
V3.2: Added list of choice for players in groups, for players in teams & for teams in groups 
===> Added more values in Category column for Results and highlighting
===> Added a section to report inappropriate behaviors in ”Tournament Details” tab
===> Password protection of all tabs to avoid wild copy/paste that destroys formulas
V3.0: Automatic group ranking for Teams 
V2.7: Correction : Individuals & Teams results tabs : adding som additional controls and warnings 
V2.6: Correction : ranking calculation for Teams 
V2.5: Correction : some score cell’s format was set to ”text”. Change to ”Standard” format. 
V2.4: Some minor changes and compatibility with new WR tables on => This new version is mandatory for Tournaments.V2.3: #Team values in Teams tab are now A, B, C, D or E. The complete name is then ClubName, ClubName 2, … 
V2.2.1: Minors corrections
V2.2: precisions to refresh FISTF database tables (Players, Clubs & Nations) in the ”Things not to forget” tab

World Ranking 2024-11 – Season 2024-2025



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 13-11-2024


World Ranking at the end of October 2024 => to be used for competitions on November 2024.

Form 90 – FISTF Board Candidate form



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 22-10-2024
