2017-12#13 – Voting for Internet Voting Poll

The following resolution text was mentionned in the board meeting protocol N°2 dated 2017 october, 26.

National Association have been informed. Their delegates have to vote to approve this mode of voting.

Extract of the Minutes of the second Board Meeting

Motion B.

Discussion on internet voting began, with the unanimous acceptance that internet voting should be allowed.

The Motion was put to the Board:

“A motion that, in accordance with the Statutes 2017, Article 9-6, member associations shall be permitted to cast an absentee vote. Suitable technical solutions can be provided for such voting. It is the intention of the Board to permit internet voting.”

Carried 6 votes for, none against.

Motion C.

Discussion continued on the internet voting protocol to be established. The board agreed that Mr Deimel be empowered by the Board to finalise the methodology of the internet voting process and its regulations, and show these to the board as soon as possible. This proposal was accepted to be included in the original motion. Further discussion was conducted on the period in which internet votes would be conducted. It was proposed that at midnight (central European time) Tuesday, 5th December, the internet polling will be declared open. It was further proposed that voting would be open for 72 hours and would finish at midnight on Friday, 8th December (CET). Voting will be tallied and then presented to the Congress. It was further proposed that all voting must be conducted by internet, and no voting will be conducted at the Congress. It was further proposed that all associations who are financial members of FISTF will be notified of the voting procedure in advance. These proposals were accepted to be included in the original motion.

The Motion (and inclusions) was put to the Board:

“An internet voting protocol will be established, with clear written rules to be distributed to all Member Associations. This will be formalised by Mr Horst Deimel.”

Carried 6 votes for, none against.

Information :

Internet Voting Poll regulation has been sent per email to all the FISTF member nations.
: FISTF_2017_11_02_F-IVP_Nation registration-V1.1 & FISTF-Internet-Voing-Poll-Regulation-Version-01-2017-11-23
Date : 23rd november 2017


Voting to approve the resolution of FISTF Internet Voting Poll

  • Yes (93%, 14 Votes)
  • No (7%, 1 Votes)
  • Blank (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 15

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