2022-11 – AGM 2022 – Resolution 15 – FISTF Tournament Organisation Handbook


3.2.8. Management of referees

Removal (red) and addition (bold) of text:
(xxii) In every competition, as there is one chance in three that there will be no group of four players, the organizer should be careful about the referees. If there is only one group of four players, the organizer must find three additional referees if he wants the first round to be completed after three series of matches. Usually, all players play three times and referee one or two during the first round (groups of four). However, groups of four can be played over four series of matches with the groups of three having a rest series

(Submitted by C Angelinas, FISTF Sports Director)

This is just an administrative change to simplify the text.


AGM 2022 - Resolution 15 - FISTF Tournament Organisation Handbook - 3.2.8. Management of referees

  • I agree with the change to this section (89%, 17 Votes)
  • I object to the change to this section (11%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 21

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As per the FISTF Statutes, a simple majority vote is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results)