2024-01 – AGM 2023 – Resolution 2 – Creation of “Associate Member” status in FISTF Statutes and Handbook


Proposal: To authorise the Board to prepare revisions to the FISTF Statutes, for consideration at the FISTF Congress to be held in 2024, and to the FISTF Official Handbook (to be adopted after the 2024 Congress if the amendments to the Statutes are approved) to create a new status of “Associate MNA” for smaller/less developed MNAs.


 At its meeting in October 2023, the Board noted that the audit of MNA compliance had shown that a number of countries have remained MNAPs for many years, rather than the 6 – 30 months contemplated in the FISTF Statutes, primarily because they are no closer to meeting the membership requirements. For example, this includes smaller countries which do not and might never have sufficient players or clubs.  Are such countries allowed to remain MNAPs indefinitely? And does FISTF wish to maintain the current expectation (on paper at least) that any country wishing to seek membership must seek “full“ membership?

In these circumstances, the Board agreed that it would make sense to consider creating a lesser but more permanent form of membership for countries which have not and may never fully meet the membership requirements, such as “Associate Member“. An Associate Member could have similar or even identical (limited) rights and obligations as MNA-Ps but would have lower requirements (in particular regarding playing numbers) than an MNA.  

Noting that the creation of “Associate Membership“ status would require a change to the Statutes, the Board agreed that the issue should be raised at the 2023 AGM for MNAs’ initial consideration and, if the reaction is positive, could be considered at the Congress due to held in 2024.  

(Submitted by E Kennedy, General Secretary FISTF)

Discussion: Eliot Kennedy spoke to this resolution, noting that depending on the final form of any amendments to the Statutes and/or Handbook, there might be very little or no difference between the rights and obligations of an “Associate Member” and a “Provisional Member”.  However, even just changing the terminology would be an improvement as it would give Associate Members more permanent status and remove the expectation that such countries must seek to become a full MNA, as required currently under the Statutes.


AGM 2023 – Resolution 2 – Creation of “Associate Member” status in FISTF Statutes and Handbook

To authorise the Board to prepare revisions to the FISTF Statutes, for consideration at the FISTF Congress to be held in 2024, and to the FISTF Official Handbook (to be adopted after the 2024 Congress if the amendments to the Statutes are approved) to create a new status of “Associate MNA” for smaller/less developed MNAs.

AGM 2023 - Resolution 2 - Creation of “Associate Member” status in FISTF Statutes and Handbook

  • I agree (100%, 5 Votes)
  • I do not agree (0%, 0 Votes)
  • I abstain (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 5

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As per the FISTF Statutes, a simple majority vote is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results)