2024-01 – AGM 2023 – Resolution 5 – Number of Satellite tournaments permitted


Proposal: To amend Article 2.8.4 (b)(i) in the Official Handbook to increase the number of Satellites that each MNA is entitled to organise from 3 to 5 beginning in season 2024-25.


 A number of nations have requested the opportunity to organise more, smaller events that allow players to compete in a FISTF event without the presence of more highly ranked players.

Therefore we are proposing to increase the number of permitted Satellites (which are limited to those players outside the top 100 World Ranking.)

It also provides an opportunity for MNAs and their clubs to run a smaller FISTF event to gain experience in running tournaments.

The limit of 5 would also be limited to no more than one per MNA per month.

(Submitted by S Dettre, President FISTF)

Discussion: Steve Dettre spoke briefly to this resolution.  He indicated that there had been some requests from some countries to increase the maximum number of Satellites allowed, especially as such events do not interfere with GPs, IOs etc.  It would allow for more smaller events and greater levels of participation but, unlike WASPA events, referees would be required.  Some MNAs had proposed to push the maximum up to 10 Satellites per year, but the proposal was to move from 3 to 5 and to see how well it works in practice before considering any further increase.


AGM 2023 – Resolution 5 – Number of Satellite tournaments permitted

To amend Article 2.8.4 (b)(i) in the Official Handbook to increase the number of Satellites that each MNA is entitled to organise from 3 to 5 beginning in season 2024-25.

AGM 2023 - Resolution 5 - Number of Satellite tournaments permitted

  • I agree (60%, 3 Votes)
  • I do not agree (0%, 0 Votes)
  • I abstain (40%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 5

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As per the FISTF Statutes, a 66.67 pct majority vote is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results).