Proposal: To authorise the Board to make changes to the FISTF Statutes, as outlined below, to take effect immediately following the 2024 Congress.
The FISTF Statutes can only be changed at a FISTF Congress or Extraordinary Congress. It is established practice to review the Statutes prior to each Congress to determine whether amendments are required.
The Board has reviewed the Statutes and is proposing the following changes, many of which are a result of discussions and decisions made at the 2023 AGM.
a) Section A – Changing the minimum number of players in a club from two to five
Currently, the Statutes provide that a club may consist of only two (2) players. It is proposed to increase the minimum number of players tothree (3), because a club must at least have enough players for a team event, and three players is the minimum number required to enter team events.
The Statutes in Section A (the definition section) would be changed to read:[1]
Club shall mean any entity existing under its own name, consisting of minimum three (3) single Players and being registered with a Member National Association (MNA).
(Submitted by Steve Dettre, President, FISTF)
AGM 2024 – Resolution 1a – Changing the minimum number of players in a club
AGM 2024 - Resolution 1a - changes to the FISTF Statutes - Changing the minimum number of players in a club
- I agree (0%, 0 Votes)
- I do not agree (50%, 1 Votes)
- I abstain (50%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 2
As per the FISTF Statutes, a majority vote of 66.67% is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results)