2024-12 – AGM 2024 – Resolution 3e – changes to the Official Handbook – Proposals relating to the maximum number of foreign players on teams and substitution rule


Topic: Other proposed changes to the Official Handbook


Proposals relating to the maximum number of foreign players on teams and substitution rule

Noting the overlap between the two proposals relating to section 2.3.10(b) of the Official Handbook set out in Resolutions 3(e) and 3(f), as well as the proposal to amend section 2.2.4 (substitution rule) of the Tournament Organisers‘ Handbook set out at Resolution 6(b), it was agreed at the Congress to present these proposals together as options.  

Option 1: Proposal to return to the previous rules regarding foreign players (maximum two foreign players on the score sheet for every game)

It is critical to return to the previous condition: a maximum 2 foreign players to the score sheet for every game, instead of two playing at the same time in the specific game. In other words, a club may enrol as many foreigners as they want. In every single tournament they can use as many foreigners as they want. However, on the score sheet of every single game they can include only a maximum of two foreigners. If two foreign players are listed foe the game, they can play simultaneously. As it is this season it is helping a lot the “big” and “rich” teams, as they can enroll maybe three or even four players in one single game.  By this rule it’s very easy for many foreign players to search for a “foreign” club. Smaller clubs and countries are having problems finding players. It can lead to the extinction of many clubs and at the same time the creation of super huge multinational clubs. And in my opinion, it’s a step in the wrong direction. We need to invest our efforts in having more clubs instead of superclubs.

(Submitted by Chris Angelinas, Sports Director)


Option 2: Proposal to reduce the maximum number of foreign players on the score sheet from two to one

The European board wants to nominate as a resolution, for the upcoming FISTF Congress, the following proposition:

Immediately reduce of the number of foreigners from two to one. Each team can have unlimited foreigners, but can only use one for each game sheet (either to start the match or as a substitute).

By this resolution we believe that many players will return to their home nation teams and will help the development of the game at countries that their numbers (of individuals and teams) are reducing. Also the team events will be more fair and antagonistic.

(Submitted by Giorgos Koutis, ECSTFA President, on behalf of the ECSTFA Board)


Option 3: Tournament Organisers’ Handbook (THB) – substitution rule

Substitutions rules, section 2.2.4 of the THB.  For the same reasons as outlined in Option 1 above (to return to the previous condition of a maximum 2 foreign players to the score sheet for every game), we need to return to allowing only one substitution during the game.  Allowing two substitutions is helping the “big” clubs and destroying all the others.

It is noted that Option 3 is consistent with both Option 1 and Option 2 above, and could also be adoped even if both Option 1 and 2 are rejected. Therefore, MNAs will be asked to vote on this Option separately.

(Submitted by Chris Angelinas, Sports Director)


AGM 2024 – Resolution 3e – changes to the Official Handbook – Proposals relating to the maximum number of foreign players on teams and substitution rule

Vote for Options 1 OR option 2

AGM 2024 - Resolution 3e1 - changes to the Official Handbook - Proposals relating to the maximum number of foreign players on teams and substitution rule - Options 1 & 2

  • I vote for option 1 (50%, 1 Votes)
  • I vote for option 2 (50%, 1 Votes)
  • I abstain (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 2

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Vote for Option 3

AGM 2024 - Resolution 3e2 - changes to the Official Handbook - Proposals relating to the maximum number of foreign players on teams and substitution rule - option 3

  • I agree (50%, 1 Votes)
  • I do not agree (0%, 0 Votes)
  • I abstain (50%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 2

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As per the FISTF Statutes, a majority vote of 66.67% is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results)