Topic: New/revised membership requirements for Member National Associations (MNAs), Associate Member National Associations (AMNAs), and Member National Associations – Provisional (MNA-Ps)
- Consideration of options/proposals to:
- Create a new category of AMNA,
- Make changes to the membership criteria for MNAs (minimum number of players/clubs, counting of „active“ players, requiring a minimum number of FISTF events each season)
- Adoption of consequential amendments to Statutes and Official Handbook
- Statutes – New definition in Section A and new Article 3A – Associate Member, and addition of references to AMNAs elsewhere in the Statutes as required (including Articles 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 23, 27 and 30)
- Handbook – see Preface and Articles 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.5
- Consideration of options/proposals to:
The membership requirements for MNAs and MNA-Ps are currently set out in the FISTF Statutes and Official Handbook.
At the 2023 AGM, there was support for a proposal to consider creating a new category of FISTF membership – Associate Member National Association, or AMNA – for countries which do not yet meet all the criteria of full membership, recognising that “provisional” members (MNA-Ps) are, under the Statutes, only meant to exist for a period of 6 to 30 months before becoming full members. In practice, a number of countries have had MNA-P status for many years.
It is therefore proposed that the new AMNA status be created. If agreed, AMNAs would provide an intermediate status between MNAs and MNA-Ps, offering some limited voting and other rights to host some events not currently available to MNA-Ps, but imposing higher obligations than apply to MNA-Ps, including for a membership fee and a requirement to host at least one FISTF event per year.
In addition, following feedback from some associations regarding the need for a more level playing field between MNAs in terms of their overall contribution to playing numbers and the FISTF calendar, the Board has been considering whether the existing membership requirements should be revised to impose slightly increased obligations on MNAs.
The paper at Attachment C sets out in detail the background to this issue, as well as current and options for revised membership requirements for MNAs, AMNAs and MNA-Ps. The proposals can be summarised as follows, with changes/amended proposals shown in track changes following discussion at the Congress on 22 December:
- Creation of the new category of FISTF member Associate Member National Association, or AMNA;
- Setting membership rights and obligations for AMNAs to sit between the requirements for MNAs and MNA-Ps. AMNAs would have higher requirements than MNA-Ps, including in terms of the minimum numbers of players (10 from 1 September 2025, increasing to 15 from 1 September 2026 and to 20 from 1 September 2028), based on the number required for MNAs, as outlined below) and clubs (0 from 1 September 2025, increasing to 1 from 1 September 2026, based on the number required for MNAs, as outlined below), an annual membership fee of 50 Euros, a requirement to host at least one (1) FISTF event a year from the season beginning 1 September 2026. With those higher obligations would come increased rights, including to a half vote at FISTF AGMs and the Congress, the right to nominate individuals for Confederation Boards and to host Confederation Cups But not the FISTF Board or a World Cup), and the right to hold Grand Prix events (but not a Major);
- Changing/increasing the current membership obligations on MNAs, in particular:
- Increasing the minimum number of players required from 10 to 20 from 1 September 2025, 30 from 1 September 2026, 40 from 1 September 2027 and finally to 50 from 1 September 2028;
- Requiring that these be active players (not just registered players, as at present), and defining what is meant by “active”;
- Increasing the minimum number of clubs required from 1 back to 2 from the season beginning 1 September 2027; and
- Requiring MNAs to host a minimum of 1 event in the season beginning 1 September 2025, increasing to 2 events for the season beginning 1 September 2026, at least one of which must be at the IO level. This will also require a broader review of the FISTF calendar, which is one issue to be discussed at the proposed “whole of sport” conference to be held in early 2025.
As discussed at the Congress, the intention of the increasing obligations on MNAs to maintain full membership status is NOT to punish them, but to encourage them to increase their playing numbers and involvement in the FISTF tour. The proposed phasing in the increasing requirements over the next few years is to allow MNAs and AMNAs enough time to take the necessary steps to meet the gradually increasing requirements, assisted by FISTF as appropriate. Noting that the FISTF Statutes can only be changed at a Congress, it is also proposed that the increasing membership requirements set out above be set out in the Official Handbook, rather than the Statutes, to allow some flexibility to MNAs and the Board in their implementation, if required, as we review progress.
If agreed, the creation of the new category of AMNA and changes would require changes to the Statutes and Handbook. These changes are set out in detail in the draft revised Statutes at Attachment A and Handbook at Attachment B (please note that the proposed changes to the Statutes and Handbook have been amended slightly to reflect the changes above).
(Submitted by Eliot Kennedy, General Secretary)
AGM 2024 – Resolution 2 – New/revised membership requirements for Member National Associations (MNAs), Associate Member National Associations (AMNAs), and Member National Associations – Provisional (MNA-Ps)
AGM 2024 - Resolution 2 - New/revised membership requirements for MNAs, AMNAs & MNA-Ps
- I agree (50%, 1 Votes)
- I Not Agree (0%, 0 Votes)
- A abstain (50%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 2
As per the FISTF Statutes, a majority vote of 66.67% is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results)