This wednesday the club of Templeuve (Belgium) organized two tournaments in their premises. In the morning, Geoffrey Marain (Flickers Milano) won the final of a FISTF Future against Vincent Coppenolle (Templeuve United). Jos Ceulemans and Maxime Rairoux were the semi-finalists. Rairoux also won the U19 category (final vs Corentin Boltz) while Frank Lannoy won the veterans final (final vs Jos Ceulemans). 16 players were present for the Future.
In the afternoon, the WASPA event was played in Swiss system with Geoffrey Marain taking the honors another time. Marain fishised with 10 points thanks to a last minute equalizer in his game against Jérôme Heyvaert. Vito Di Ruggiero (SC Charleroi) was runner-up with 9 points in his first WASPA appearance ever.