As if the COVID pandemic was not causing enough pain, our friends in Belgium and Germany suffered through recent devastating flooding that smashed homes and businesses.
Less than three weeks after our Belgian friends organised a friendly tournament “The Reunion” in Theux, the wall of water reeked havoc on the venue as these photos show.

Venue in Theux

After a wall of water left the venue covered in mud
And the great friend of FISTF and the sports table football community, Titi Giaux, had his business, Mustcafé in Rochefort, severely damaged. His venue was visited by the king of Belgium, Philippe of Belgium, who travelled around to see the damage in the community.

Titi’s pride and joy, the Mustcafe.

Surveying the damage with the King of Belgium
In Germany, our friends report no serious damage affecting the STF community.
We send our combined best wishes to all affected by this latest misery.