As a service to all players, clubs and associations, we publish here a list of all transfers received by FISTF up to the end of the official transfer Period, January 31.
All national associations must also ensure that the correct, up-to-date club of each player appears in their online FormF20,
If you spot issues with this sheet, please contact your club and your national association immediately.
Please note, there is now the Extended Transfer Period, as defined in the FISTF Handbook:
Extended Transfer Period
i) Players who have not played any team and individual tournaments FISTF can transfer in the first four months of the year until April 30 in an ‘Extended Transfer Period’. This transfer forms must be received by 00 hrs (Paris CET), April 30.
ii) The player transferring during ‘Extended Transfer Period’ must not have used the December 1st – January 31st transfer window.
For a transfer in the Extended Transfer Period, FISTF will require a fee of €50.00. The transfer will not be considered valid until the fee is received by FISTF Finance.