Ángel Valverde (CAP Ciudad de Murcia) won the Spanish Championship and in the process qualified for the FISTF World Cup Rome 2022, beating Miguel Ángel López from Mallorca Águilas in the Open Final.

Spanish Champion and Cup Winner Ángel Valverde
The Championship and the Spanish Cup were both held on the same weekend, in the local Madrid town of Móstoles.
The event had a wide participation of players representing practically all the national clubs of the AEFM. A total of 23 players competed in the Open category and 16 in the Veteran category; The Sub 12 and Sub 20 categories would also have a large participation of enthusiastic young people.
A high level of play was witnessed in both the Open and Veterans categories, where several champions from Spain and the world met.
ln the Veterans Juan Carlos Granados (CAP Ciudad de Murcia) took the victory and the Spanish championship this time against José Castellanos (Mallorca Águilas) who has shown a great level of improvement in his game.

Juan Carlos Granados winner of Spanish Veterans Championship
In Sub 20 Carlos Pinto (Tiburones FM) won the category continuing his successful career from the lower categories.

Carlos Pinto – U20 Champion
In Sub 12 Enrique Villao (Moralzaral SC) rose as champion of Spain in a tough final against Manuel Baena (AC Los Remedios). Praise must be given to the Sierra de Madrid club that has been working very well with the youngsters.
Finally, Héctor Pérez (SC Móstoles) managed to win the Consolation trophy.
In the Spanish Cup held on Sunday, in the veterans category, it is worth mentioning the highly disputed victory against Antonio Montaño (Tiburones FM) by Raúl Benita (Turia FT). Turia’s man competed game by game, clinging to the table, with a game of the highest level.

Winner of the Spanish Cup Raúl Benita with beaten finalist Antonio Montaño
In the Open, Ángel Valverde repeated his triumph, this time against a very strong Fernando Gómez, achieving a double in a magnificent weekend for him.
In Sub 20 José Torres (Tiburones FM) managed to take the cup in a highly disputed final against the recently proclaimed Champion of Spain Carlos Pinto (Tiburones FM).
In Sub 12 this time yes, Manuel Baena played well to beat Enrique Villao to take the Cup to Estepa. Magnificent results for the Los Remedios quarry, proof of the great work they carry out with the little ones.
The consolation trophy, this time went to Jean Michel Cuenca (Tiburones FM).
In short, an excellent weekend full of reunions and table football at its highest national level, not suitable for heart attacks, especially due to the cries of Luis Mateos after finishing two great plays.
Next stop……Barcelona!
Alberto Gómez
Communication AEFM