2022-11 – AGM 2022 – Resolution 01 – To remove clause 2.10.2.c.i from the clause FISTF Official Handbook


To remove clause 2.10.2 from the clause FISTF Official Handbook

This would allow Grand Prix’s the flexibility to decide whether a Teams event is held. This change is ONLY proposed for this type of event.
In the Asian region it is challenging to get 4 players from each club to travel interstate or overseas for an event. Regularly these travelling players will have nothing on the second playing day which given the expense and time to travel is unfair and seen as a barrier to participation. Many players don’t want to transfer to other clubs just to play in the Teams event at our one annual GP or see doing so as an unappealing second day of competition. This change will enable us to maximise participation for all entrants in both days which intern will help draw bigger numbers to our major tournaments in support of the development of the game. The second day could be used for events such as a National Cup or Championship, etc. or to expand upon the GP duration particularly if there are limitation on venue hours of operation. The GP could also be reduced to one day in future to enable more players to travel to the event without work or life impacts.

2.10.2 International Grand Prix
(a) Definition:
(i) An International Grand Prix should be the best international tournament organised in a country in terms of quality and total number of players, not considering a Major Grand Prix, organised by the same MNA.
(ii) Only high-quality international tournaments will be accepted as an International Grand Prix.
(b) Specific competition rules: (i) Each MNA of FISTF is entitled to organise one (1) Grand Prix per season.
(c) Tournament System: (i) It is mandatory to have both events, Individual and Teams, at an International Grand Prix.

(Submitted by A Connolly, ATFA President, VP FISTF – Asia Confederation)

Discussion: Adrian Connolly spoke to this resolution, emphasising that in some regions, such as Asia, it was a challenge to get enough players for teams’ events. It provides flexibility to not have a team’s event. Daniel Cranston (USA) had similar view, saying ASA had not hosted a GP because of this requirement.


AGM 2022 - Resolution 1 - To remove clause 2.10.2.c.i from the clause FISTF Official Handbook.

  • I agree with the removal of the requirement for team events at a Grand Prix/Golden Grand Prix (70%, 14 Votes)
  • I disagree with the removal of the requirement for team events at a Grand Prix/Golden Grand Prix (30%, 6 Votes)

Total Voters: 21

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As per the FISTF Statutes, a 66.67 pct majority vote is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results)