2022-11 – AGM 2022 – Resolution 16 – FISTF Tournament Organisation Handbook


3.2.9 Registration of Players and Clubs

Addition of new text (bold):
(xxxi) Clubs must fill FORM F23 – Event Registration for Teams Form to register in a team competition of a FISTF tournament and send it to the organizer. Maximum 8 players per each team of a club per tournament

(Submitted by C Angelinas, FISTF Sports Director)

This increases and formalises the number of players able to be registered by a club for a tournament to 8.


AGM 2022 - Resolution 16 - FISTF Tournament Organisation Handbook - 3.2.9 Registration of Players and Clubs

  • I agree with the change to this section (85%, 17 Votes)
  • I object to the change to this section (15%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 21

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As per the FISTF Statutes, a simple majority vote is needed to carry this resolution.
Abstention is not a cast vote (it was voted but will not be considered in the final results)